Website Notes
The relatives and family of Bill Kaysing approve the use of the Name Bill Kaysing for this site but do not support or agree with any content of the site unless expressly stated.
This website is privately funded by its owner & webmaster Albino Galuppini.
Biografia di Bill Kaysing in italiano
Oltre al suo piu' famoso libro tradotto in italiano, una biografia completa dello scrittore, ricca di aneddoti ed episodi rocamboleschi, e' il mio nuovo libro:LA PENNA PIU' VELOCE DEL WEST.
Website visual style
The website is made up in a 60s-like style with black and white pictures and 'emphasized colours' patterns like common use in magazines at that time.
Technical note: This website is optimized for Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and higer versions.
Albino Galuppini (contact details :)
My personal blog : (Italian)
(Brescia, Italy - Last update : August 8, 2021)